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Release Notes: Software Update Fletcher v1.13
Release Notes: Software Update Fletcher v1.13
Updated over a week ago

Software Update Fletcher v1.13

Released Feb 20th, 2024

New Features

  • Colossyan API integrations

    • A new Colossyan component has been added to the SimGate Studio integration.

    • The new Colossyan feature includes the ability to change a previously selected and saved voice. This allows the flexibility for the content creator to adjust the design without having to recreate everything.

  • Copy and paste! Users can now copy and paste page builder elements within a project.

    • Add-on builder has been updated to allow Page Builder elements to be pasted directly into the Add-on builder.​

    • AI videos can take advantage of the Copy/Paste feature and be copied to the clipboard and pasted anywhere that can accommodate an AI video.

      • NOTE: AI Videos cannot be copied until it is completed to reduce errors, this restriction to the copy functionality ensures that it’s successful completion and limits the impact on existing content.

    • The Copy/Paste feature includes a paste below button for an improved content creator experience.

    • The Copy/paste feature allows for a table to be copied into Page Builder and Add-On Builder without needing to refresh the page.

      • How it functions:

        • Selecting copy will cause the item to remain and the new option to paste to be available in the options menu.

        • A single copy should be able to paste multiple times.

        • You can select copy multiple times on different items, the last copied item(s) will remain in the clipboard.

        • You can copy from and paste to different pages.

        • Removing or editing the original copied item(s) will not impact the item in the clipboard or the pasted copies of the item.

        • The copied items are saved correctly to the page and behaves just like every other item.

        • If the clipboard is empty:

          • Copy and cut is available

        • If copied:

          • Copy, cut, and paste is available

        • If cut:

          • Paste is available

        • If paste:

          • If pasted item was from copy: copy, cut, and paste is still available

          • If pasted item was from cut: copy and cut is available

        • The clipboard is specific to the project, so if you copy in project 1 and open project 2, the clipboard from project 1 would not be available in project 2.

        • Until the project is closed the clipboard should be persistent.

        • Cut should work as usual.

Feature Improvements

  • Add-on builder has been updated to ensure that upgrading to a new version from a previous version retains proper alignment.

Infrastructure Release

  • A micro service was released to support Colossyan API integrations.


  • Unnecessary navigation items have been removed from the interface toolbar. This cleanup should unsure a better tool experience.

Software Update Fletcher v1.13.1

Released Feb 23rd, 2024


  • The Message Box that appears when the resolution in the browser is too small has been updated. This update allows the end user to close the message box once the message is acknowledged.

Software Update Fletcher v1.13.2

Released Feb 29th, 2024

Feature Improvement

  • The Dashboard Report has been updated to display even if some teams have no participants. If a team does not have any participants, it will now show as “Not Complete”. (Dashboard v1.5.6)


  • AI videos. To ensure the video must be played in full to register as complete when the video is flagged as “Required”, the “Prevent Seek” setting for the video will be enforced but the ability to change this setting will be disabled. This will prevent the participant from using the “seek” function to advance the video.

Scorm Services Update

  • An update has been implemented to the Video and VBR features. When the full-screen option is selected on a Video or VBR, the Video or VBR will now size correctly to fit the screen size. (Scorm Services 1.0.9)

Software Update Fletcher v1.13.3

Released March 15th, 2024

Feature Improvement

  • Decisions Reports has been updated to allow the content creator the option to export the Decision Report to an Excel document.

  • The Decision Report export has been improved to display all decisions. Including:

    • Number entry always shows up in export even if not scored.

    • Slider always shows up in export even if not scored.

    • Likert always shows up in export even if not scored.

    • Number entry condition for scoring shows up. (Example: condition greater than 50)

    • Slider condition for scoring shows up. (Example: condition greater than 50)

    • Rating condition for scoring shows up. (Example: rating equals 4)

    • Multiple conditions (AND/OR) showing up (Example: should be selected and checked not just selected.

  • The search function on the Home Page in Portal has been improved for searching for projects.

    • Now when a content creator enters search criteria into the search box, the content creator will be directed to the Projects Page where only the projects that meet the search criteria will be displayed.

  • Self-registration has been improved.

    • This improvement will impact content creators that have already been using the product. Now when the content creator clicks register, the registration process is now the same as for a first-time user.


  • The SCORM feature has been updated to allow for users that have the same first and last name but different email addresses.

  • The Dashboard search function has been improved to properly display the results from the search.

  • The behavior for a newly created session in the Dashboard has been improved to allow for a participant to easily be added to the session.

    • Create a new session and save.

    • When session is created, the session opens, and default text says to use the + to add participants.

    • Click the + in upper right corner, select ‘Add Participant.’

Software Update Fletcher v1.13.4

Released March 22nd, 2024

Feature Improvement

  • Locking a Project

    • Project management has been improved to allow for the creator of a project to add a “Lock” to the project.

    • Locking Your Project

      • When a creator chooses the option to lock a project, a modal box will guide them through the process.

      • When the project is not locked and the creator chooses to lock the project, the lock dialog header says 'Unlock'. Change to 'Lock'

      • The creator can add a message to display to inform potential users that the project is locked.

      • Once the project is locked a small lock icon will appear in the upper left corner of the project and it can still be viewed but it can not be released.

      • The Release button is disabled when a project is locked.

    • Unlocking a Project

      • When a creator chooses to unlock a project, the originally created message appears and the creator must press a button to choose to unlock the project.

        • Once a project is unlocked the Release button becomes active so edits or updates can be made and released to production.

  • The Decision Rationale “continue” and “close” buttons are now editable and translatable.

  • The Return to Task button in the interface toolbar has been updated

    • The Return to Task button has been hidden when the number of nav items is zero.

    • The Return to task button is hidden when all nav items are hidden by logic.

      • i.e. invisible nav items do not count towards visible pages.

      • i.e. even if in authoring there are 5 buttons, but in Preview all are hidden, then Return to Task is hidden

  • SSO update

    • The SSO feature has been updated to ensure that Users created by SSO show up in the dashboard.


  • The search function has been updated.

    • Now when a creator enters text into the search bar on the “Choose Your Experience” page, the entire search string is used in the search. This addresses an issue where the first character of the search text has been truncated.

  • The Session Export functionality has been updated in the Dashboard.

    • Clicking export on the sessions list view will export the session name, start and end date, project name, region, and division.

    • Exporting the session on the session detailed view will export the participants/teams First name, Last name, email, round they are in, state, and completion info.

Software Update Fletcher v1.13.5

Released April 11, 2024

Feature Improvement ​

  • The AI video feature has been updated, the "allow download" toggle switch now hides or shows the download button in the video player.


  • The importing from ReX feature has been improved to allow the user to navigate between perspectives without causing any failures.

Software Update Fletcher v1.13.6

Released April 19, 2024

Feature Improvement ​

  • The Copy/Paste feature has been updated. Now when an item is copied, it is copied to the clipboard. This item will stay on the clipboard even after the item is pasted and even if the project is closed and reopened. This now follows the general rule of the clipboard.


  • The duplication feature has been updated. Now after duplicating a page, all the elements on the new page allow for the elements' width to be adjusted.

    • NOTE: This fix will not retroactively fix a broken duplicated page. If an existing non-broken page exists, it can be duplicated a number of times with the adjustable width option present.

Software Update Fletcher v1.13.7

Released May 3, 2024

Feature Improvement ​

  • Avatars updates

    • Mallory avatar (2 variants) has been removed.

    • Currently, existing (fully generated) videos featuring this avatar will not be impacted. However, if a currently generated video needs to be regenerated for any reason (e.g. updated content), then a new avatar will need to be selected.

  • Videos have been updated to remove any excess borders from the video.

  • Accessibility (WCAG) Icons: Studio has been updated to add an icon that indicates if a template conforms to Accessibility (WCAG) standards. Now a content creator can easily discern which templates adhere to WCAG standards.

  • Page Opacity: Studio has been updated to allow the user to adjust the opacity of a page (template):

    • When configuring a page, in the Style tab, the content creator will see an “opacity” option that lets them adjust the paper opacity.

    • The content creator will see the paper opacity adjust in real-time while the configure panel is open and when previewing the page.

  • The import from a ReX feature to Studio allows for characters/personas to be imported.

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