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Overview: AI-supported, One-Click Sim
Updated over a week ago

SimGate Studio's one-click sim feature means you don't have to start from scratch to create new content.

One-Click Sim Auto generates a series of challenging scenario-type activities that create the foundation for a scenario-based sim through our proprietary generative AI tool (using our privately deployed and secure instance of the OpenAI GPT model).

What can One-Click do for you?

With one click, powered by ReX AI, Authors can generate targeted content for a 3-round sim that includes round themes, introduction pages, and three scenario activities with answer choices for each round.

You choose the content focus, let Rex do the rest!

  • Skills / Frameworks / Behaviors

  • Industry

  • Leadership Answer Types

NOTE: The one-click sim feature is integrated into the SimGate Studio tool and is not the same as the ReX AI Beta which is a separate tool and offers significantly more customization of content and activity/page options! More info on ReX Beta here.

NOTE: Is AI auto-generated content ready to be published?

  • All auto-generated content must be reviewed for accuracy and its fit for purpose. While much faster than generating content from scratch, your designers or SME teams should plan for necessary tweaks and edits.

Video: See it in action

In ~4.5 minutes, you too will learn how to create content for a 3 Round sim with a press of a button!

ATTENTION! Use a new, blank project when using Rex! All activities and content generated with Rex will overwrite anything existing in a wireflow.

DIY Steps

  1. In a NEW Studio project, choose the "Rex -Your Co-Author" icon in the navigation bar.

  2. In the pop-up box, identify the skills to be taught, the industry for the story context, and leadership types representing the different kinds of answer choices. You can select from what is present or add new types of data.

    1. What leadership skill do you want to create a simulation around? (Choose 1)

    2. What industry are you interested in? (Choose 1)

    3. What leadership styles are you interested in? (Choose 3)

      1. These will generate three different types of answer options for your learners to choose from and should correlate to the metrics you are measuring.

  3. Watch the watermelon processor - indicating your content is being generated.

  4. After a minute or so, you will see your flow populated with a 3-round sim, and each page populated with content including round themes, introduction pages, and nine scenario activities with answer choices.

  5. From here, you can customize the flow, edit the content, add scoring, create feedback reports, tailor your theme, and optimize the experience for your learners.


Does SimGate Studio include any ReX AI features?

  • Yes, One-Click Sim and Meet AI Text assistant

    • One-Click Sim - Auto generates a series of challenging activities that create the foundation for a scenario-based sim through our proprietary generative AI tool (using our privately deployed and secure instance of the OpenAI GPT model).

    • Ask ReX AI Text assistant - available in Rich Text Editors all around the tool! Prompt it to generate text or ask it to rewrite selected text and then insert or replace your selection. We made quick actions available so you can make text shorter, longer, get definitions, or extract action items in one click.

Do I have to use ReX AI features in Studio?

  • No, they are features available for use but not required or essential to use.

In SimGate Studio, if I use ReX to edit content in the Rich Text Editor (RTE), is our content secure?

Yes, like ReX Beta stand-alone tool, our ReX RTE uses the same privately deployed and secure instance of the OpenAI GPT model.

Release Date: April 24, 2023 - Release 1.4

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