The metric feedback report provides a summary of learner metrics scores and allows for the comparison of metrics across learners or teams within a single session.
In the SimGate Dashboard, this report enables L&D administrators and Facilitators to:
Display each metric separately in its own bar chart to easily show the score breakdown of the learners (per session)
Filter the Metrics report by Project, Session, Round, and Metric
Configuration Settings
ATTENTION! For sessions to appear in the report, the project's scoring model must be properly configured to enable data calculation and display scores.
If the project settings are not correctly configured, the report will not be supported, and user data for the course will not be calculated or shown.
To configure the Scoring Model in Studio:
In Studio, configure scoring for the project.
You can find this in the Scoring page, accessed from the top navigation bar.
Configure your Scoring Metrics and associated values.
NOTE: By default, ALL Metrics in your scoring model will show up in your metrics report! You can use the "Metric filters" to limit the charts to display the metrics most important to you.
If you have updated or added metrics to a project, make sure you re-publish your project so these metrics can be applied to future sessions.
2. In Studio, authors must preselect the metrics to include in the report. This can be done through the Dashboard Settings under “Reported Metrics” or by configuring the metrics directly within the Scoring Model. For this specific setting, “Reported Metrics”, no new publish or release is necessary as settings will automatically be applied to the Dashboard.
REMINDER: User data from old sessions may not be calculated and displayed if these settings were not configured correctly before a user finished the course.
NOTE! This report supports 1 session per report.
When you access the report, you will see an error that specifies you need to select 1 session. Please choose a session from the session drop-down to view data.
Note: If you see this warning message on the dashboard, it means the proper configuration has not been initiated in Studio.
The Metrics report will only function once the configuration is complete. To resolve this, go to Dashboard Settings under “Reported Metrics” or configure the metrics directly in the Scoring Model (see instructions above/below). This applies to existing reports as well, which will not display data until the metrics are properly set up in Studio.
VIDEO: Selecting Metrics in Studio for Metrics Report
Viewing and Understanding Your Metrics Report
The reports page on the dashboard contains the "Metrics" report. Opening this report displays a toolbar that allows you to customize your viewing options.
Choose your Project and the specific Session you'd like to see the metric data for! Then customize your view as needed per the options in the toolbar.
Report Toolbar Viewing Options
Customize your view:
Filter Options
Project filters limit the chart to only sessions for the selected projects
Session filters limit the displayed session to only the one selected
This report supports 1 session per report.
Round filters limit the chart to only rounds for the selected projects
State filters limit the chart to only states for the selected projects
Metric filters limit the chart to only show metrics for the selected projects
The refresh button refreshes the data in the chart
There is a timestamp next to the refresh button indicating how long ago the last refresh was
The download button allows data to be exported and downloaded as an excel file
In a project, there may be numerous metrics, but only a few are critical for assessing a learner's success. To address this, authors has the ability to preselect which metrics will appear on the metrics report. Studio allows authors to choose the specific metrics to display. This makes it easier for the L&D administrator viewing the report to understand and interpret the data effectively.
Studio Improvements
Dashboard Settings now include options to select which metrics appear in the dashboard metrics report.
The scoring model in Studio now allows an author to toggle metrics on or off for inclusion in the dashboard Metrics report.
Understanding your Report
What data or information can be read from the bar charts on this report?
Metric Titles: The names of the metrics from the project's unique Scoring Model
Metric Scores (Normalized): The x-axis represents the metric with the largest range and applies it to all metric charts.
Number of Learners: The y-axis represents the total number of learners (from a session) who completed the learning experience.
I added metrics, but why are they not showing up on the Metrics Report in the dashboard?
If you update or add metrics to a project, be sure to re-publish it to ensure the new metrics are applied to future sessions.
Why is the report showing empty?
Be sure the metrics have been setup and selected on the Studio side.
Why is a session not being shown in the report?
The session may not be shown in the report due to improper configurations in the project. The settings in the project must be completed as shown in the How To page, in order for the report to be displayed accurately.
Why does the session data look inaccurate? A user’s scoring looks inaccurate from what was configured for the session.
The reporting API is new and therefore there may be inconsistencies in the calculations of the metric scores. This may be due to several scenarios, all involving a project update.
For example, a project is set up with a scoring metric and users have completed the course in older sessions. Then, the scoring metric has since been updated to include more values. The report uses the latest project settings, so the data displayed for these older sessions are now calculating scores on the new changes in the project.
While this is rare, there may be several sessions affected by such updates to a project setting.
Please contact us if this a problem for the affected sessions.
My session says that nine users are registered, but the report says there are ten participants?
This may be due to a user being deleted from the session after they have completed the course. The reporting will still calculate and score the user data from that user and display it alongside active users.