Unlock new ways to practice critical skills. The List Builder activity challenges learners to organize, plan, and prioritize.
Whether it be a single prioritized list for tasks like meeting agendas or next-best actions or constructing detailed responses where each item forms part of an email or document, List Builder has you covered.
Organize items based on a set of criteria.
Does the participant understand how to organize the items based on the information given to them (e.g., scenario, resources)
Can a participant construct a response (organize the items in a thoughtful flow) that shows their understanding of the situation and/or objective in the simulation
Can the participant organize the items to demonstrate their understanding of a process, procedure, methodology, or concept?
Title content
Display name (maximum ~7-10 words)
Description (maximum ~25-30 words)
Column 1 title (maximum ~7-10 words) (i.e. potential reasoning)
Column 2 title (maximum ~5-7 words) (i.e. top 3 priorities)
Card text content for each card (option) in column 1 (maximum ~20 words per item)
Left column
You can include from 3 (minimum) up to 10 (maximum) options for participants to select from (default is set to 3 items). You can add or remove options on the left column via the "Add item" button.
Right column
You can have from 2 (minimum) up to 7 (maximum) selected options (default is set to 3 items). If you would like to adjust the default options, you can specify these parameters in the configuration panel.
Instruction / Prompt Text
The text in the right column “DRAG UP TO 3 ITEMS HERE?” auto-adjusts to the number of options you specify (i.e. 2-7 items). Currently, you can edit this in the configuration panel.
To edit the Column Instructions or Prompt text in the box
Click on the column title, choose the edit pencil to open the edit panel and edit the titles. If you scroll down, you will see options to edit the text within the box in the right column.
Scoring List Builder
Each option in the left column can be scored with multiple positive or negative impacts. When a participant chooses an item on the left column and moves it to the right column, the item becomes an official selection and is "scored" as a decision and the impacts are added to the participant's "score" (results).
Currently, you can score the option if it is selected or not selected.
You are unable to score based on the number of items moved from the left to the right column OR the order of priority chosen.
Template extensions
You can add perspectives, decision rationale, and add-on builder extensions to the list builder template.
List Builder can be leveraged in several different ways to challenge the user. Think about creating tension in the user's thought process (similar to the Prioritization tool), knowing he/she might have to make tough decisions.