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Overview: Network Map
Updated over a week ago

Provide visual feedback to your participants about the strength of their relationship connections, each representing individuals within the simulated protagonist's network.

Connections move closer to (green) or further from (red) the center, indicating changes in the relationship strength round-to-round.

  • From a scoring standpoint:

    • negative connections are on the outer ring (negative numbers)

    • neutral (0) connections on the middle ring (zero)

    • positive connections are on the inner ring (positive numbers)

    • Note: If you notice a lack of character movement on the map (after you have created and scored a metric for each character) - chances are your assigned scores are too low and/or there aren't enough decisions to move the characters (e.g. you only have 1 or 2 activities). To resolve this, you can assign them larger numbers/scores (for ex. instead of 1, 2, or 3, update to 3, 5, or 7), and you should see more movement.


Show participants the intended and unintended impact of decisions on their internal and external relationships.

Breaking through silos

See cross-functional relationships getting stronger (green) or weaker (red) as participants make decisions that impact collaboration, prioritization, and resource allocation.

Balancing competing needs

When making decisions, challenge participants to compete with stakeholder interest, their team’s development needs, customer demands, and personal well-being.

Driving organizational success

Encourage participants to build trusted relationships to strengthen communication, innovation, problem-solving, and long-term business outcomes.


  • Activity title (maximum ~7-10 words)

  • Activity description (maximum ~25-30 words)

  • Minimum number of characters: 3

  • Maximum number of characters: 10

  • Character

    • Connection name/title for each connection

    • Connection position/role for each connection

    • Connection asset (image URL) for each connection

    • Connection description for each connection (maximum ~20-25 words)

  • Feedback

    • Feedback metric title for each connection

    • Positive feedback text for each connection (maximum ~40-45 words)

    • Negative feedback text for each connection (maximum ~40-45 words)

    • Neutral feedback text for each connection (maximum ~40-45 words)


  • As you select activities in a round, consider how the impact value of an activity could be used to calculate the distance in the Network Map.

    • NOTE: This may be hard for some activities, so don’t try to force it.

  • Make sure the connections are relevant to the organization and the roles of the participants.

  • To bring the Network Map alive, ensure the facilitator properly debriefs it.

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