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Overview: Resources
Updated over a week ago

Resources is an activity template that provides participants quick access to information throughout the simulation.

Resources provide the participant with information that helps them gain context of the storyline, supports a specific simulation activity, or references key data points and details. The resources template can be used as an activity tab or button on the top navigation bar available throughout the simulation or as a standalone activity within the sim flow.

Individual resources can present a variety of types of information: market dynamics, company financials, geopolitical issues, news flashes, data needed to respond to an activity, or stakeholder profiles.



Provides needed context for an activity. For example, if you plan to use the Network Map, include an organizational chart or people chart that provides more context of each individual. Or, if using a Scenario, it may be helpful to include resources that include financial details or anticipated outcomes.


Adds richness and complexities to the storyline. For example, including reports about the ‘market’ or events happening worldwide can make the storyline more realistic. However, too much information and details can confuse and lead to additional questions that the facilitator/support team may need to answer.


Asset types

  • PDFs (.pdf)

  • Images (.jpg and .png)

  • Excel files (.xlsx and .xls)

  • URLs (any valid and correctly formed web address, such as

Opening Resources

  • If creators choose, all documents can be opened in another browser tab

  • URLs always open in another browser tab

  • Excel files automatically trigger a download to the desktop (so that they can be optimally viewed within the app)

Downloading a document

  • When opened in a separate window, the user has the option to view only or download if desired.

  • When opened in SimGate's pop-up viewer (PDFs & Images only), users can download them by choosing "save as".


  • You can choose to use the Show / Hide feature to reveal a resource based on:

    • key points in the course (i.e. beginning of a new round), or

    • user decisions, actions, or scores

  • When new documents are triggered, a red circle indicator bubble shows up in the nav bar.

Not Required

  • You cannot make viewing, reading, or downloading a resource "required" in the Resources Template.

  • You could, however, add a resources template into the sim flow as an "activity" and prompt the learner to read or download them prior to moving forward in the simulation.


  • Main Title (7-10 words max)

  • Asset Type Title (No limit, but 7-10 words recommended)


You can start the simulation with 1 or 2 quickly consumable resources. This teaches participants how to use the Resources feature.

  • As the simulation progresses, add more resources to enrich the storyline or help support activities.

  • Mix up the modalities, and use a combination of asset types.

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