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How to: Complete the Prerequisites in ReX
Updated over a week ago

Ensure design efficacy and accelerate discovery by following the built-in structured prompts in ReX.

In a newly created project, your first step is to start working through the Prerequisite steps.

💡TIP: To maximize efficiency, before diving into ReX you'll want to have some initial decisions made in response to six key questions - See FAQ section!

First, you'll focus on The Learner. Then, you'll create your Learning Objectives, followed by topical research for relevancy, and last, formulate a rich and immersive storyline.

Follow the directions provided at each step and thoughtfully answer each question prompt using your "Project Scenario" details. Click on The PLAY ICON when you have answered each question and are ready to generate your ReX outputs.

Ensure agreement with the outputs in each step before moving on!

NOTE! As a co-author, you need to vet and refine the text results because they will inform all subsequent content ReX generates in this project! So make sure to:

  • Bring your main character to life by describing who they are in more detail to ensure your main character’s situation feels relatable to your target learners.

  • Enter details and specifics to generate the best results. If you didn't get an output you like, add more details to your answer and regenerate the response.

  • Highlight the text on any generated content to view the rich text editor and click the Ask AI button to help you rewrite the text (i.e. make it shorter, summarize, or prompt ReX to alter the tone or context).

  • Take the time to add color to your case context or storyline. The right storyline context makes a sim “feel real”

Keep Going until you are complete with the Prereqs!

At the end of each of the four Prereq steps, ReX provides you with a "Summary" of its outputs.

Move on to each subsequent step until you complete all four Prerequisite sections.

Can you believe how quickly you just created that amazing
draft content and ideas?!?!

Once you’ve completed the prerequisite template pages and their steps, you will move on to choose which page and template types you want ReX to create for your wireflow in Studio. Go here:

⚠️ ALERT! ALL prerequisite sections MUST be completed before you can move on to create the Simulation template pages to export to Studio.


ReX Pre-Work

To maximize efficiency, before diving into ReX you'll want to have some initial decisions made in response to six key questions.

Initial Decisions:

  • Who is the learner?

  • What are the intended skills, behaviors, or mindset shifts to practice and improve?

  • What are the learning objectives or outcomes?

  • What will the learners be measured on? (metrics/KPIs)

  • What is the main topic(s) and/or context?

  • What is the course format?

What do I do if the Prerequisite prompts are not aligned with my use case or scenario?

  • This current set of templates was designed for learning experiences within a business environment, so the prompts are geared towards that genre.

  • However, you can still use ReX for scenarios that are outside of the business environment and get quality content!

    • Use your best judgment to answer the prompts and use the ReX in-line editor to refine the output and align the content to the learning needs.

💡 ReX Beta TIPS!

By following these best practices, you can effectively maximize the utility of ReX’s fit-for-purpose prompting and scenario-based learning outputs!

  • Be specific: Add details, adjectives, and keywords to your prompts to help ReX understand the specifics of your focus and to generate context-rich responses.

  • Experiment with variations: If you’re not satisfied with the initial outputs, try different prompts, add descriptors, or provide extra context to explore diverse perspectives on a topic.

  • Review and refine: Take time to polish ReX's outputs for optimal alignment with your goals, needs, and storyline (use the inline editor!).

  • Human Input: Remember that ReX is your co-author, a tool meant to assist human users. Your input, validation, and refinement play a crucial role in shaping the quality and relevance of the generated outputs.

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