Unveiling Insights: Leveraging Simulation Data for Enhanced Learning Experiences
The data derived from decision-making in a course can provide insights into learners’ thought processes and content knowledge. Facilitators can combine this information with powerful debrief discussions, leading participants to self-generated ah-ha’s and realized learning outcomes.
Dashboard Decision Report - For Facilitators and Admins
Purpose: Facilitators use this dynamic decision report to see what choices were made by each individual/team throughout the simulation.
This report is autogenerated in the dashboard if you choose to turn it on in the Project Settings in SimGate Studio.
The decision report is always accessible by either admins or facilitators, even if the session is archived or expired (never deleted)
Dashboard Status Report - For Facilitators and Admins
Purpose: Admins and Facilitators can use this status report to see the round, state, or completion status of each individual/team throughout the simulation.
You can export this report from the "Session Actions" dropdown when your session is open in the dashboard.
This report is always accessible by either admins or facilitators, even if the session is archived or expired (never deleted).
Custom Built Dashboard Reports - For Facilitators
Purpose: Facilitators can use these custom, author-built reports to gain insights into learners’ thought processes and content knowledge, aid debrief sessions, provide personalized feedback, or stimulate team competition.
NOTE: These are not templates but created in Studio, by SimGate Authors, and will need to be customized and built out based on the specific course criteria and what data/information facilitators, learners, and/or administrators need.
NOTE: Facilitator reports support team reporting for up to 10 teams per session. This design ensures clarity and usability, accommodating screen size constraints and emphasizing best practices for quality team-based courses with manageable group sizes.
For sessions with more than 10 teams or individuals, SimGate offers flexible, feature-rich learner-facing reports, allowing each participant to view their individual results. However, courses with larger groups may experience limitations with aggregate reporting. (e.g. Bar charts, pie charts, line graph, row repeat supports displaying up to 10 individuals or teams per session)