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How to: Setting up Cumulative Scores vs Isolated Scores
How to: Setting up Cumulative Scores vs Isolated Scores
Updated over a week ago

Create a scoring model that meets your learning objectives and set up your metrics to provide the feedback your learners need.

Cumulative Scores vs Isolated Scores

Cumulative scores are the total points accumulated across multiple tasks, assessments, or activities over time.

  • In a learning or assessment context, they reflect a learner's overall performance by summing up individual scores from various activities.

    • For instance, if a learner completes several tasks, each with its own score, the cumulative score would be the total of all these individual scores.

  • This approach provides a holistic view of the learner's progress and achievements, offering continuous feedback on their overall performance and enabling a more comprehensive evaluation beyond isolated tasks.

Isolated scores refer to the individual scores or points earned for a specific task, assessment, activity, or round of activities without considering or combining them with other scores.

  • In a learning or assessment context, each isolated score reflects a learner's performance on a single, standalone activity or round of activities, providing a snapshot of their performance focused on evaluating specific moments, instances, or segments of time in the learning process.

  • This approach is useful for pinpointing strengths and weaknesses in specific areas but doesn’t provide a comprehensive view of overall progress.

Cumulative Scores and Variables

Example #1: I want to create 1 Round with 3 metrics

  • Create a “cumulative” metric for each skill you want measured

    • In this example: Delegating, Leading and Conflict Management are the metrics

Example #2: I want to create 3 Rounds with 3 metrics and I want to aggregate scores round over round.

  • Same as "example #1 above!

  • Create a “cumulative” metric for each skill you want measured

    • In this example: Delegating, Leading and Conflict Management are the metrics

  • For each round, add the scores for each decision point to the same Cumulative Metric column.

  • This will result in a cumulative score of R1 + R2 + R3 at the end!

Example #3: What variable do I choose?

Scoring Model Variable types:

  • Root Metric = Represents the cumulative score at any point in time in the project (no matter where, e.g. midway R2, midway R2, or even the end)

  • Round “Cumulative” Metric = Represents the score for that round plus any previous rounds (historical snapshot)

In our screenshot example:

  • Intimacy Scoring Metric is the cumulative score at any point in time in the project when you view that score

  • Intimacy Scoring Metric Round 1 is only the R1 score

  • Intimacy Scoring Metric Round 2 is the cumulative of R1 + R2

  • Intimacy Scoring Metric Round 3 is the cumulative of R1 + R2 + R3

Isolating Scores per Round

Isolated Round Metrics = Represents the score for that round only, isolated from other rounds

  • To isolate score outputs for a metric to a specific round - you must build a separate round metric for each metric.

Example #1: I want to create multiple rounds with 1 metric and isolate the round score.

  • To isolate a Metric per round, you would set up three individual metrics in the scoring model like this:

    • R1 XXX Scoring Metric

    • R2 XXX Scoring Metric

    • R3 XXX Scoring Metric

  • For each round, add the scores for each decision point to the XXX Metric column that corresponds to that round. For instance:

    • R1 Activity 3 - added to: R1 XXX Scoring Metric

    • R2 Activity 1 - added to: R2 XXX Scoring Metric

Example #2: I want to create multiple rounds with 3 metrics. I do NOT want to aggregate scores round over round.

  • Each “cumulative” metric needs its own metric for each Round (see example screenshot)

  • Attach the specific Round metric at the end of each Round’s feedback page

    • For example in Round 2, you’ll attach the metrics: Delegating R2, Leading R2, and Conflict Management R2

  • This “isolates” the metric

Example #3: I want to isolate Round Metrics (R1, R2), but also have Round Metrics aggregate (R1 + R2).

Use Case:

  • 2 rounds

  • 3 Skill metrics

  • Isolated Round Metrics for Score Reports at the end of each round with the score for that skill

  • Roll Up Metrics for Score Report at the end of the course with a cumulative score for each skill (R1 + R2)

How To:

  • Create an “isolated” metric for each skill specific to that “round” (ex. Round 1 Leadership, Round 2 Listening, etc.)

  • Then create a rollup metric that combines all of the skill metrics for each round (ex. “Leadership Average” rollup metric, ex. “Listening Average” rollup metric.)

    • When creating the rollup metric, select “Average” if you want it to be the average of the points earned

    • When creating the rollup metric, select “Sum” if you want it to be the total points scored

  • On your score feedback page, you can show the isolated metric (ex. Level 1 Leadership) and/or the cumulative “Leadership Average” rollup metric

    • Output options: Numerical Output, Star Chart, Gauge, Bar Chart, Pie Chart

      • Note: For the Gauge, Min and Max values must be updated manually to align with your scoring model

💡TIP: Feedback reports are one way to help generate data-driven insights based on learners' inputs and choices. See Overview: Reporting + Examples for styles of reports that incorporate your scoring model and outputs!

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