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How to: Build and Edit Conversation Activities
How to: Build and Edit Conversation Activities
Updated over a week ago

Create relevant, interactive, and effective conversations that mimic real-life chat sessions!

Enhance learning outcomes, improve knowledge retention, and address specific skill gaps more efficiently.

The Conversation activity simulates a conversation between a character and the participant. Typically, a character starts the conversation with a question or statement. The participant selects from 2-3 pre-written responses, then the character responds. This exchange goes on until the desired objective or information has been conveyed.

Conversation Value and Design Use Cases

The conversation activity enables designers to address key learning objectives for participants, including:

  • Developing a Consultative Mindset: Guide participants in asking insightful questions to uncover needs or issues.

  • De-escalation Techniques: Equip participants with skills to manage challenging situations, such as calming a frustrated client, customer, or supervisor.

  • Explaining Product Features or Processes: Use interactive dialogue to teach participants about product features or to explain complex concepts, like digital trends.

  • Practicing Empathy: Provide a platform for participants to demonstrate and refine empathy, whether in leadership roles, coaching, or team interactions, fostering better interpersonal skills and collaboration.

Getting Started

Open your Conversation Activity

In Studio, navigate to the specific state (a "state" is equivalent to a screen or page viewable by the learner) from which you would like to edit your Conversation activity.

Click on the Conversation Activity box and this will take you to the activity where you can build and edit your conversation.

Remember! You can rename states and rounds by clicking the 3 dots ellipsis and then “Rename".

Configure your Activity

Choose your add-on options in the "Configure Template" edit panel. You can also update the style of the page in this editing panel.

Building out your Conversations


The initial conversation structure always begins with an Opening Statement and three initial responses (you can add or delete the responses, but you must start with an opening statement)

Drag/drop Statements and Response boxes from the bottom tool bar to add additional Statements and Responses.

NOTE: You will see red issue indicators alerting you that the Responses and Statements are not connected with each additional Response/Statement that you have added.

Connect Statements and Responses by hovering over Green dots and dragging to match color dots (Blue wiring connects Statements to Responses, Green wiring connects Responses to Statements).

Once you have built out your basic conversation structure, you can now edit your statements and responses as needed.

💡 TIP! Connection line disappearing? Sometimes connecting statements and responses is tricky - make sure the plus (+) sign shows up on each dot/end to connect them before releasing your mouse or else the line disappears and you will need to try again to re-connect them!

Right-click to open the Action menu

  • Quick control buttons

  • Quick add sets of Statements + Responses

Edit Statements and Characters



Edit Opening Statement and Character: Click the gray plus sign on the right of the Opening Statement to select a Character/Avatar.

Edit Text: Use the edit function to modify/add title text to any Responses or Statements.

Click "Save" to close after making changes.

Change Characters

Click the three-dot ellipsis on the Statement and select “Remove Character” to remove your current character.

Once you have removed your character you can click on the Gray + sign to add a new character.

Adding Video to Your Conversations

Add video by uploading a previously created video asset.

  • For example, a video of a coaching conversation to observe between two Associates.

Add video to your Statements by selecting "Add video" and

Open the edit function. Here you can select or add a new video to your Asset box.

  • There are also options to select from such as preload video, autoplay, and prevent seek.

Indicator Labels

Label Statements and Responses with indicators like Correct, Incorrect, Good, Neutral, or Bad for scoring.

  • These are viewable by the designers only.

    • The example below shows the Good Indicator.

Edit Title Page



Navigate to Activity View:

  • Select "View Activity" at the bottom of the screen to access the title page and edit the title/subtitles/Prompt of your activity.

Edit Title and Subtitle:

  • Click on the title to open the rich text editor panel. This will appear as a pencil button.

    • Use the edit function to modify the title text or add formatting like bold or italic to your prompt text.

    • Make desired changes and click "Save" to close.

Edit Continue Button or Global Settings:

  • Navigate to the continue button until the edit function (pencil button) appears.

  • Open the edit panel to access global settings or to customize the buttons.

  • Relabel the continue button or adjust global settings as needed.

    • There are additional buttons below to customize the color from your theme.

  • Once you’re done click Save.

Further Page Customization:

  • Explore options to customize the title page with perspectives, decisions, and addon builders by navigating to the settings icon on the navigation bar.

    • This will open the Configure Template where you will see additional options to personalize your content. Click the toggle button on or off to add to your title page.

  • Once completing these changes you can click Save to keep the changes or cancel to disregard the changes.

Review and Finalize your Activity

View Activity

Clear any outstanding issues by clicking “View Activity” in the bottom right - if there are any outstanding issues you will see a red error message.

Preview Mode

See what your pages and the project will look like for the end user. It is used frequently during the entirety of the build process, review of edits, quick navigation through the project, and is a great tool for initial testing of your Conversation Activity.

Once you've edited your activity, click "Close" to exit.

View Activity greyed out? To View Activity all issues must be cleared. Look in the bottom right corner to see if there are any outstanding issues. This error message will appear in red!

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