Software Update Huron v2.3
Released December 13th, 2024
The Dashboard decision report has been updated to allow multiple metrics. These metrics will now be displayed on the screen.
Software Update Huron v2.2
Released November 14th, 2024
Feature Updates
In Studio, the Wireflow Editor branching has been updated to allow an author the flexibility to create more logic branches from a single state. This allows for more robust branching options.
A tooltip has been added to the List Builder activity that tells the author they can adjust the instructions if the min and max value are the same.
Software Update Huron v2.1
Released November 4th, 2024
Feature Updates
Create external URL links to your Rich Text! Select any text and add URL via new toolbar button. All text with links can be styled normal way as the rest of the text. Link can be easily deleted without deleting text.
AI Avatar Collection 1 has been updated to use the latest available avatars.
The Dashboard now supports the new "Facilitator Visits" feature to a learner’s session. This feature is enabled from the studio project settings and is only accessible to dashboard users with the correct permissions.
Software Update Huron v2.0
Released October 11th, 2024
Feature Updates
The Dashboard now supports the new "Facilitator Visits" feature to a learner’s session. This feature is enabled from the studio project settings and is only accessible to dashboard users with the correct permissions.
Studio & SimPlay Dashboard Visit Features
Project Settings
Session visitor - Toggle that enables/disables the visit feature on the dashboard for sessions using this project (feature is marked as Beta)
Simulation Preview
View as Participant - shows what the simulation/page will look like when logged in as participant
View as Facilitator - shows what the simulation/page will look like when visiting a participant as facilitator
Visiting overlay - visual indicator overlay shown to make it clear your are visiting a participant and which participant you are visiting (similar to Zoom when sharing your screen)
“Facilitator” indictor showing what decisions/inputs have Facilitator show/hide logic linked to them
Decision Report (non-excel version)
“Facilitator” indictor showing what decisions/inputs have Facilitator show/hide logic linked to them
Logic Builder/Input Selector
New group under Global => User
Is Team/Participant
Is Facilitator
Show/Hide (visibility wrappers)
Green visual indicator/outline with eye icon indicating an item has show/hide logic linked to it
Clicking the eye will launch the logic editor for show/hide