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All CollectionsSimGate OnboardingOnboarding Path: Modules 1-5
Module 2 | ReX: Accelerate Discovery + Design with AI
Module 2 | ReX: Accelerate Discovery + Design with AI
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ReX: Accelerate Discovery + Design with AI

Don’t start from scratch, let Rex, your AI co-author, help!

Module 2 Purpose: Learn about and experiment with ReX to help you...

Expedite discovery

Inform design decisions

Generate draft content

Ease SMR collaboration

Support development

Expected Time to Complete Steps 1-4: Approximately 90 mins*

*Time investment will vary based on:

1) your level of engagement with the provided material and supplemental resources

e.g. videos, examples, help articles, etc., and

2) your level of tool exploration, self-discovery, and experimentation...which is highly encouraged!

"Seeing something once is better than hearing about it a hundred times, but doing it once is better than seeing it a thousand times."

~ Unknown

👀 Step 1: Get to know ReX

Expected Time to Complete Step 1: Approximately 5 mins

Who or what is ReX?!?!

ReX is Regis’ secure, cutting-edge AI co-authoring tool, currently in Beta. Working with ReX helps to streamline discovery, design, and development, so you can quickly create engaging learning content.

About ReX, Your AI Co-Author

ReX is not just about getting things done quickly; it's about ensuring quality in upfront discovery, design approach, and learner-centered outcomes.

ReX is a standalone generative AI tool designed to:

  • Enable quick creation of tailored drafts of learning content (any audience or topic)

  • Leverage well-defined, fit-for-purpose prompts based on the Regis design approach

  • Ensure high-quality outputs and efficient learning design through our intentional prompting process

  • Work seamlessly with SimGate Studio

  • Generate specific and original practice-based learning activities

  • Accelerate the learning experience design and development process

A few of ReX's Super Powers

Specific Content Ingestion: Drop in documents with info unique to your organization or project. ReX can reference your documents to help create tailored content, and don’t worry – it keeps everything secure and confidential for your organization.

ReX + Studio integration: ReX and SimGate Studio are a dynamic duo! Your learning content created in ReX can easily be imported into Studio with just a few clicks. This in turn creates a prototype learning experience effortlessly.

Accelerate SMR/SME Knowledge Exchange with ReX: ReX saves time and resources by streamlining the process from discovery and research to drafting storylines and sourcing content. It frees SMR/SMEs from extensive content creation, allowing designers to focus on building immersive, real-world learning experiences instead of spending weeks writing and revising.

ReX is safe and secure: ReX is a private enterprise web application that adheres to the highest enterprise-wide security standards. In addition, the application employs a multi-tenant architecture to ensure your data is kept separate and secure from other users. Data is never shared publicly or used to train AI models.

💡 TIP: Want to learn more about the power of AI in L&D and keep up with the latest and greatest AI tools for design?

Visit, a Regis-powered website dedicated to helping L&D professionals learn about and how to use AI tools to advance their careers.

✅ Step 2: ReX Beta Acknowledgement & Access

Expected Time to Complete Step 2: Approximately 3 mins

Chances are, you're excited to dive into ReX and play around - We can't wait for you to dive in, too! Since you are among a select few early innovators exploring ReX (ReX is not publicly available yet!), we want to ensure you understand what it means to have early access to a beta product.

REQUIRED!! If you haven't done so already - Complete the 2-min Beta Acknowledgment form here: Beta Product Acknowledgement

  • After you submit this acknowledgment, you will be directly routed to ReX to log in.

  • Sign on using your previously provided Regis credentials.

After you have completed the Beta Acknowledgment, you can log in directly to ReX via this URL:

✍️ Step 3: Hands-On ReX Activity - Dive into Co-Creation!

"You may learn by watching, but you will understand by doing."

~ Unknown

Expected Time to Complete Step 3: Approximately 60+ mins*

*Many find ReX so fun and exciting to use they have a hard time walking away after getting started (this comes via direct reports from multiple early users!!) So, have fun and allocate additional time if you can - the time spent practicing won't be wasted.

Activity Scope

This practice activity is structured to help you:

  • Collaborate with ReX to draft an in-depth topical summary and first-draft content that covers:

    • Learner Persona

    • Learning Objectives

    • Topical Research

    • Storyline and themes

  • Learn to leverage well-defined, fit-for-purpose prompts based on the Regis design approach

  • Practice validating and refining Rex's outputs to get high-quality outputs

Create your first ReX Project

  1. When you log in to ReX, click on New Project to create a new project.

  2. Choose the New Project Type: "Simulation"

    1. The other options are examples of templated project types that are "coming soon"!

  3. Name your project in the bottom left box.

  4. Click "Create Project"

  5. Your newly created project automatically opens!

💡 TIPS! Before you get started...

Keep these best practices in mind as you practice maximizing the utility of ReX’s fit-for-purpose prompting and scenario-based learning outputs!

  • ReX Pre-Work: To maximize efficiency, before diving into ReX you'll want to have some initial decisions made in response to six key questions corresponding to your project.

    • Who is the learner?

    • What are the intended skills, behaviors, or mindset shifts to practice and improve?

    • What are the learning objectives or outcomes?

    • What will the learners be measured on? (metrics/KPIs)

    • What is the main topic(s) and/or context?

    • What is the course format?

  • Be specific: Add details, adjectives, and keywords to your prompts to help ReX understand the specifics of your focus and to generate context-rich responses.

  • Experiment with variations: If you’re not satisfied with the initial outputs, try different prompts, add descriptors, or provide extra context to explore diverse perspectives on a topic.

  • Review and refine: Take time to polish ReX's outputs for optimal alignment with your goals, needs, and storyline (use the inline editor!).

  • Human Input: Remember that ReX is your co-author, a tool meant to assist human users. Your input, validation, and refinement play a crucial role in shaping the quality and relevance of the generated outputs.

Discovery & Design with Prerequisites

Use ReX to streamline discovery, design, and development to quickly craft a first draft and collaborate with Subject Matter Resources or business stakeholders.

💡 TIP: For this step, we want you to concentrate on learning and practicing how to use ReX.

Feel free to choose any project scenario to experiment with ReX, however, we’ve found that it’s often easier to learn the tool by exploring a familiar topic or learning scenario.

In your newly created project, you'll see that there are two main sections of template pages: Prerequisites + Simulation Pages. ReX consists of “template pages” and each “template page” has a series of “prompts” that need to be completed.

You'll start by working your way through the Prerequisite template prompts to generate:

  1. Learner Personas

  2. Learning Objectives

  3. Topical Research

  4. Storyline and Themes

Follow the directions provided at each step and thoughtfully answer each question prompt.

  • Click on The PLAY ICON when you have answered each question and are ready to generate your ReX outputs.

Getting the content "Just Right"!

As a co-author, you need to vet and refine the text results because they will inform all subsequent content ReX generates in this project!

⚠️ Remember, ReX relies on your input! He can't work without your guidance.

  • Before moving to the next prompt, review the output to make sure it matches your vision. If it doesn’t, you have the power to adjust and steer the direction.

  • Think of ReX as your apprentice and thought partner—work together to ensure each step aligns with your goals.

  • Be sure to practice using ReX's powerful features (outlined below) to complete all your Prerequisite sections before proceeding.

Maximizing Prompts

Give ReX the details and specificity it needs to generate contextually relevant and meaningful outputs.

  • Avoid basic, one-word answers…

    • Provide descriptions, characteristics, nuances, adjectives, and context… more is often better!

    • Ex. Bring your main character to life by describing who they are in detail to ensure your main character’s situation feels relatable to your target learners.

  • If you didn't get an output you like, add more details to your answer and regenerate the response! How to: Editing, Regenerating, and Saving your ReX Content

  • Not happy with the checklist options? Add your own! How to: ReX Write-in Checklist Options

Referencing Specifics

Help ReX tailor your content generation by directing ReX to specific documents and information!

💡TIP: ReX works best with text-based PDFs. Documents with minimal graphics yield the best results, as graphic-heavy files may not be processed as effectively. Keep this in mind when choosing PDFs to upload!

Refining Content

Ask ReX to help refine your learning objectives into your company's preferred format and style.

Use Rex's " Ask AI button" to help you edit and refine generated text!

  • Highlight the text on any generated content to view the rich text editor and click the "Ask AI" button.

  • Click one of the default options "make it shorter, summarize, etc." OR prompt ReX to alter the tone, context, or structure of the output.

Example prompt to coach ReX on Learning Objectives:

  • “Please rewrite this as a learner-centered objective with clear, specific, observable, and measurable learner actions, including condition, performance, and criteria. Ensure it highlights the “WIIFM” by emphasizing the skills learners will gain and how they will benefit.”

Creating Cohesion & "Red Thread"

Ask ReX to help create a cohesive storyline and “Red Thread” that carries through your pages and activities.

Leverage Rex's " Ask AI" to customize activity scenarios or answer options to better align with your storyline, timeframes, measured metrics/KPIs, or to customize learner feedback.

Example prompt to coach ReX on creating connections between your storyline, scenarios, and activities::

  • “Help me rewrite this scenario to sound like it happened right after a new company directive was just announced which changes the scope of the project and timelines. In addition, you have to work with a new SMR/SME due to resource changes.”

⌛️ Short on time and can't finish all the prereqs right now?

No problem! If you don't have time to finish all of the prerequisite sections now, your work is saved and you can come back at any time! Continue on with the rest of Mod 2.

NOTE: ALL prerequisite sections MUST be completed before you can move on to create the Simulation template pages to export to Studio (Covered in the "Bonus" step below)

Finish Pre-reqs & Download your Draft Content into a Word Doc

Unlock the full potential of your co-authoring experience - easily download your thoughtfully crafted content from ReX into a convenient .doc format.

  • Effortless Feedback Collection: Share your content with users outside of ReX for valuable feedback.

  • Secure Your Work: Preserve your hard work by saving a copy of your content.


  1. Click the download button near the prerequisites (top left) at any point of the project during content generation

  2. In the popup modal, select the pages you’d like to include or exclude from the download, and select the format you’d like to download (currently .doc is the only available option)

  3. When you’re ready, click download.

  4. The .doc file will download on your computer

  5. Navigate to your downloads to and locate the file

Can you believe how quickly you just created that amazing
draft content and ideas?!?!

Easily share this doc with SMR/SMEs, Clients, or Stakeholders to collaborate, review, and edit!

💪 Step 4: Share your work!

Expected Time to Complete Step 5: Approximately 5 mins

Share your work! We want to celebrate your learning and are curious to hear about your experience using ReX.

  1. Take a screenshot or two of your summaries in ReX (or however far you got into the prerequisite steps)

  2. Paste it into an email to: [email protected]

  3. Finish this sentence in the body of your email:

    1. My key takeaway from using ReX today is....

PS...Have more to say about ReX? 💬

We are thrilled to have early adopters like you using our tools and resources.

Your feedback, insights, and suggestions are invaluable!

All feedback is welcome...Seriously! Good, Bad, and In-between - we love feedback and eagerly want to improve this tool for you!

PLEASE include your thoughts when sharing your work! [email protected]


Once you’ve completed steps 1-4, you are done with the Module 2 hands-on portion within ReX!

Eager to export pages and activities into SimGate Studio?

We get it! It's hard not to get excited about what's possible with ReX and Studio. The next two modules (3 &4) are going to give you everything you need to know about SimGate Studio to optimize the use of both tools.

Once you are familiar with the pages and activity templates in SimGate Studio, you'll have the necessary context to come back and leverage the Simulation Page templates in ReX. The good news is that you'll follow the same cadence to complete the prompts and generate content for your project as you did for the prerequisites.

However, if you have extra time and want to play around with creating pages and activities in ReX to export to SimGate Studio, check out the Bonus section below!

🌟 BONUS: SimGate Studio + ReX

Create your Simulation Pages

Once you've completed the PreRequisite steps, instructions direct you to create activity pages. Maintain the same approach you used for the prerequisites to complete the Simulation Activity template prompts and generate content for your project.

Users can choose from the following templates to export into Studio:

  • Welcome page

  • Simulation Introduction Slideshow

  • Topic Information Slideshow

  • Course of Action

  • Scenario

  • ListBuider

  • Addon: Decision Rationale*

  • Addon: Perspectives*

*Addons should only be used on COA, List Builder and Scenario activity.

Export to Studio

Bring Your Vision to Life! How To: ReX to Studio Content Export

Once you've completed your prerequisite and simulation pages, you're all set to take action. In SimGate Studio, your ReX-generated content truly comes to life through a variety of activity templates, ensuring engaging and effective learning experiences.

⚠️ Ensure Successful Content Export!

To successfully export your content, make sure to run all the steps to generate and validate the content for each of your chosen activities and pages (e.g., welcome, scenario, list builder, etc.). Completing these steps ensures that your content is fully generated and ready for use. This will prevent any errors in SimGate Studio when trying to paste the content.

ReX Resources + FAQ

Where do I find more ReX Resources?

Bookmark these for future reference!

How do I access ReX?

Is ReX separate from SimGate Studio?

  • Yes, while ReX operates independently, it seamlessly integrates with Studio. The integration involves a simple export-import process. The integration process generates the flow of the sim in Studio, placing your content into the appropriate pages.

  • ATTENTION! Always use a new, blank project in Studio when using Rex! All activities and content generated with Rex will overwrite anything existing in a wireflow.

Is ReX auto-generated AI content ready to be published?

  • No. While all of the content generated in our SimGate tools is unique and purposefully prompted to give you valuable content, ALL auto-generated content must be reviewed for accuracy and its fit for purpose. ReX will not give you final learning content, but rather is a place to start. While much faster than generating content from scratch, final learning content requires human involvement and therefore is ultimately a unique creation of the designer/developer.

Can ReX provide source information for generated content?

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