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ReX AI: Immersion Day Activities
Updated over a week ago

ReX AI Beta: Accelerate Discovery + Design with AI

Don’t start from scratch, let Rex, your AI co-author, help! Learn about and experiment with ReX AI Beta to expedite discovery, design, and content creation.

Expected Time to Complete: Approximately 60-90 mins*

*Time investment will vary based on your level of tool exploration and engagement with the supplemental resources.

"Seeing something once is better than hearing about it a hundred times, but doing it once is better than seeing it a thousand times."

~ Unknown

ReX Access and Login

  1. Access ReX URL via Chrome Browser:

  2. To initiate your login verification process, enter your work email address when prompted.

  3. A verification email will be sent to your work email address from: [email protected]

    1. If you are not receiving this email, it may be getting caught in your company’s spam or firewall filters. (See Troubleshooting steps below for remedy)

  4. Follow your personal Authentication Link in the invitation email to log into ReX Beta!

If you have any issues logging in, Troubleshoot ReX Access Issues Here!

Hands-On ReX Activity: Dive into Co-Creation!

Many find ReX so fun and exciting to use they have a hard time walking away after getting started (this comes via direct reports from multiple early users!!) You are welcome to come back to play whenever you can allocate additional time :)

This practice activity is structured to help you:

  • Collaborate with ReX to draft an in-depth topical summary and first-draft content.

  • Learn to leverage well-defined, fit-for-purpose prompts based on the Regis design approach

  • Practice validating and refining Rex's outputs to get high-quality outputs

Step 1: Create your first ReX Project

  1. When you log in to ReX, click on New Project to create a new project.

  2. Choose the New Project Type: "Simulation"

    1. The other options are examples of templated project types that are "coming soon"!

  3. Name your project in the bottom left box.

  4. Click "Create Project"

  5. Your newly created project automatically opens!

💡 TIPS! Before you get started...

By following these best practices, you can effectively maximize the utility of ReX’s fit-for-purpose prompting and scenario-based learning outputs!

  • Be specific: Add details, adjectives, and keywords to your prompts to help ReX understand the specifics of your focus and to generate context-rich responses.

  • Experiment with variations: If you’re not satisfied with the initial outputs, try different prompts, add descriptors, or provide extra context to explore diverse perspectives on a topic.

  • Review and refine: Take time to polish ReX's outputs for optimal alignment with your goals, needs, and storyline (use the inline editor!).

  • Human Input: Remember that ReX is your co-author, a tool meant to assist human users. Your input, validation, and refinement play a crucial role in shaping the quality and relevance of the generated outputs.

Step 2: Discovery & Design with Prerequisites

Use ReX AI to streamline discovery, design, and development to quickly craft a first draft and collaborate with Subject Matter Resources or business stakeholders.

In your newly created project, you'll start by working your way through the Prerequisite prompts to generate:

  1. Learner Personas

  2. Learning Objectives

  3. Topical Research

  4. Storyline and Themes

Follow the directions provided at each step and thoughtfully answer each question prompt.

  • Click on The PLAY ICON when you have answered each question and are ready to generate your ReX outputs.

  • Remember, ReX NEEDS your input! Before moving on to the next prompt, review the output to ensure it aligns with your vision. If it doesn’t, you have the power to make adjustments and guide your creation's direction.

💡TIP: Ensure agreement with the outputs in each step before moving on!

As a co-author, you need to vet and refine the text results because they will inform all subsequent content ReX generates in this project! So make sure to:

  • Bring your main character to life by describing who they are in more detail to ensure your main character’s situation feels relatable to your target learners.

  • Enter details and specifics to generate the best results. If you didn't get an output you like, add more details to your answer and regenerate the response.

  • Highlight the text on any generated content to view the rich text editor and click the Ask AI button to help you rewrite the text (i.e. make it shorter, summarize, or prompt ReX to alter the tone or context).

  • Take the time to add color to your case context or storyline. The right storyline context makes a sim “feel real”

Keep Going until you are complete with the Prereqs!

Then it's time to start creating your simulation pages...

⌛️ Short on time and can't finish all the prereqs right now?

No worries! If you don't have time to finish all of the prerequisite sections before moving on to the Simulation Pages, your work is saved and you can come back to finish any time. Just keep in mind, ALL prerequisite sections MUST be completed before you can move on to create the Simulation template pages to export to Studio.

Step 3: Create your Simulation Pages

Once you've completed the PreRequisite steps, instructions direct you to create activity pages. Maintain the same approach you used for the prerequisites to complete the Simulation Activity template prompts and generate content for your project.

Users can choose from the following templates to export into Studio:

  • Welcome page

  • Simulation Introduction Slideshow

  • Topic Information Slideshow

  • Course of Action

  • Scenario

  • ListBuider

  • Addon: Decision Rationale*

  • Addon: Perspectives*

*Addons should only be used on COA, List Builder and Scenario activity.

Bring Your Vision to Life!

Once you've completed your prerequisite and simulation pages, you're all set to take action. In SimGate Studio, your ReX-generated content truly comes to life through a variety of activity templates, ensuring engaging and effective learning experiences.

⚠️ Ensure Successful Content Export!

To successfully export your content, make sure to run all the steps to generate and validate the content for each of your chosen activities and pages (e.g., welcome, scenario, list builder, etc.). Completing these steps ensures that your content is fully generated and ready for use. This will prevent any errors in SimGate Studio when trying to paste the content.

Step 4: Download and Export your Content

Download your Content

Unlock the full potential of your co-authoring experience - easily download your thoughtfully crafted content from ReX into a convenient .doc format.

  • Effortless Feedback Collection: Share your content with users outside of ReX for valuable feedback.

  • Secure Your Work: Preserve your hard work by saving a copy of your content.

Export to Studio

Last, export your content and paste it into SimGate Studio! Watch the magic happen as SimGate builds your project and inserts your content!

  1. Follow these steps to quickly export your newly created activities and content with just a few clicks: How to: ReX Beta Export to Studio

  2. Don't forget to always use a newly created project in SimGate Studio! ReX export will override any existing states/pages.

Want More?

Explore our growing ReX library in our help center to enhance your grasp of how to Leverage ReX AI! New creators usually enjoy exploring and experimenting with the following:

ReX Overviews

How to Basics

Customizing your outputs

L&D AI Resources for L&D Professionals

  • Visit, a Regis-powered website dedicated to helping L&D professionals learn about and how to use AI tools to advance their careers.

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